Photo by Meagan Mullahy @ Mullahyphotography

Photo by Meagan Mullahy @ Mullahyphotography

Welcome, Wanderer! 

I have always been a traveler. Always enjoyed the act of visiting a new place and exploring the unknown. It wasn’t until my 30s though when I began to realize how the act of travel has helped guide me through the unknown in my everyday life.

The more I began to explore who I am, who I’ve been, and who I want to become - the more I realized the important role that travel has played, and continues to play, in helping me navigate this journey of self-discovery. 

A journey that is exciting, complicated, beautiful, emotional, challenging, and rewarding. A journey that is always evolving & allowing me to grow & move with it. 

The more I’ve allowed myself to move & grow with this journey, the more I’ve been able to recognize and appreciate the practices that are the "how" behind my ability to truly embrace this journey.


In addition to travel, yoga & journaling are significant in my ongoing journey of self-discovery and self-love. I believe there is a little bit of magic in each of these practices - in the movement, stillness, and reflection - that have the power to reconnect each of us with our authentic selves throughout the ever-changing moments of our lives.

It is the intention of sharing the magic of these three practices, that Wander to Breathe was born.  Whether you are drawn to one of these practices or all three - Wander to Breathe is here to help you explore how they can support you on your personal journey of life, love, and living.

Thank you for joining me and trusting me as your guide - I can’t wait to explore with you & help you find your own magic.

Lots of Love, Mindy