A Guide to Solo Travel

A female solo traveler watching the sunset in Hawaii

All Questions About Solo Travel

What is Solo Travel? 

Some people call solo travel self-indulgent. I call it self-care. 

Solo travel in its simplest definition is a trip you take by yourself. However, once you experience solo travel you realize it is so much more than a trip alone. It is a time to learn. It is a time to grow. It is a time to reconnect with yourself and to connect with the world around you. 

Yes, it can also be a time to indulge! You are the director of your trip. 

If you want (and need) a relaxing week at the beach surrounded by pina coladas, wonderful! Want a sophisticated weekend getaway to a city? Book a boutique hotel and take your favorite walking shoes to explore the city on foot. Ready to get away from the hustle and bustle? Take a quiet solo road trip. 

Solo travel is truly about you. It is what you want and or need. What it isn’t is selfish. Let me say that again, Solo Travel is NOT selfish! 

The act of traveling alone can be one of the most important things you do - not just for yourself, but for the people around you. 

Why Solo Travel is Important? 

The decision to take a trip by yourself is a powerful decision. It doesn’t matter if you are choosing a night away from home for a stay-cation in the city or a month-long stay on an island. Solo travel of any length is important. 

Here are 7 Benefits of Solo Travel that I have found to be important over the years. 

Solo Travel is Empowering

Making the decision to travel alone takes courage. Especially if you have never done it before, and even if you have done it dozens of times. You are making a decision for yourself, choosing yourself. That is empowering. 

Have you been waiting for years to finally take a trip to Hawaii? Have you been waiting on everyone else to finally say yes? Stop waiting. Plan the trip. Go alone. Have fun and LIVE your life! 

Solo Travel is Healing

We live in a world that is full of noise. Literal noise and figurative noise. Between social media, the events of the world, and the conversations around us (and in our heads), there is always something to distract us from - us. 

Unfortunately, the more we are distracted from ourselves the more difficult it can become to explore and process areas of our lives that need attention. Solo travel gives you the space to process. It is like an extended meditation (with the bonus of seeing a new city or country). 

Solo Travel is Fun!

While there are many serious benefits of solo travel, like healing, there are also many fun aspects of traveling solo. I promise! 

Remember how I said some people think solo travel is indulgent? Well, let it be! If you want to stay at a luxury hotel for a weekend and enjoy all the benefits - go for it. Get a massage, read by the pool, order room service, and watch a movie in your bathrobe. 

Solo Travel Creates Awareness

One of the ways that solo travel heals is by creating awareness. Therefore, even if you take a trip just for fun you may naturally experience some new awareness. 

This may be an awareness of your thoughts and feelings. It may be a new awareness of likes and dislikes. It can also be the awareness of the city or town you are in. When we travel alone we get to be more present with our surroundings. Therefore, you get to experience a place in a completely different way than if you were with other people. 

Solo Travel Challenges You

Choosing to take a trip by yourself doesn’t mean it is easy. One, it’s not easy to choose ourselves. Especially when we are used to giving to others or have been told it is selfish to choose ourselves. 

Beyond the challenge of choosing yourself, a lot can come up when you are traveling alone. Since you are in charge of your trip you are the one to plan. You are also the one to solve any problems. Not to mention, you may find some insecurities come up with things like eating out by yourself. 

Guess what though? Whatever challenges you may face are part of the journey. They are part of the healing. Part of empowering you. They also are great at teaching you to trust yourself! 

Solo Travel Teaches You to Trust Yourself

When you are the one in charge, you have to trust yourself. You can’t rely on someone else in the group to make the decision. You are the decision-maker. 

There is a lot of power in this. A power that many of us (especially women) have lost or doubted over time. Maybe even just doubting you were capable of traveling alone. When you find yourself having to figure out a new bus system or how to best get across an almost deserted island off the coast of Thailand (true story) - you remember that you can do it! That YOU know and can trust your intuition. 

Solo Travel Allows You to Be You! 

I believe travel, in general, is a great way to be YOU! There is something about being in a new city that makes us all feel a bit safer in dressing how we want and being who we want. Moreover, when we are in a new place by ourselves. 

Each time we travel alone to a new place and are reminded of who we are - then we take that little bit of awareness back home with us. Each trip leads us closer to living our most authentic lives, as our most authentic selves, wherever we are! 

Who Can Travel Solo? 

There is not a cap on who can travel solo. If you want to travel solo, then go for it. Give it a try! 

One of the biggest things I think keeps people from traveling solo is thinking they have “missed their chance.” This could be because they think they are too old. It may be because they are married or in a relationship. Maybe they have children. 

None of these are reasons you can’t travel solo. 

During my travels, I have met other travelers of ALL ages on solo trips. I have met solo travelers that are barely 21 and on their first adventure. I have also met men and women in their 60s taking solo trips. 

One of my greatest realizations while traveling was that solo travel isn’t just for single people! As a single person, solo travel has been something I’ve done sometimes out of necessity. However, I loved meeting so many solo travelers who were in relationships! It is a myth that you have to be single to travel solo. Many people take trips alone because their partners don’t have the time to travel or simply don’t want to. So, whether partnered, single, or “it’s complicated” you can take a trip by yourself. 

While I can’t personally speak to taking a solo trip while having kiddos at home - I know plenty of people who do. This doesn’t have to be a long trip. A stay-cation weekend at a local boutique hotel counts as solo travel! 

Can Women Travel Alone? 

While anyone can travel alone there are a lot of questions about whether or not women can (or should) travel alone. 

Well, as a woman who has been traveling solo for two decades - the answer is Yes! Women can travel alone. Moreover, while I don’t love the word “should” I do think that there are a lot of benefits for solo female travel.

As a woman, I have found my solo travel to be one of the most healing practices in my life. It has (and continues) to teach me about self-care and self-love. Every trip I take I learn something new about myself. 

Is Solo Travel Safe? Is Solo Travel Safe for Women? 

Anyone can travel solo. Women can travel solo. Is it safe though? Yes, if you are mindful and aware. 

Travel of any sort can have its dangers. Those dangers can increase when you are traveling by yourself. However, most of the things that could be considered a danger can be minimized if you are a mindful traveler. 

5 Travel Tips On How to Be a Safe Solo Traveler:

1. Research Your Destination 

Some destinations are generally safer than others for travel. If you are just starting out as a solo traveler, consider choosing a destination that have been to before or have some knowledge of. 

2. Be Aware of Your Surroundings 

Pay attention to where you are and who is around you. Whether at the airport, train station, walking, etc. be mindful and show that you are aware. One tip I learned from others is to show others you are aware by 

3. Act Like You Know Where You Are

Always act like you know where you are and where you are going. Even if you are not sure. A little trick I do is put one Airpod in my ear and turn on walking directions on my phone. Then, I put my hair over the ear with the earbud. This way I can look like I know where I am going. 

4. Pretend You are Traveling with Others 

When you check into a hotel always ask for two keys. Mention in conversation that your friend/partner is out in the car and ask where the best place to park is. If using a Lyft or Uber, tell the driver you are on your way to meet friends/family. If traveling alone as a woman, always make the person you are meeting a man. 

5. Tell Others Where You Are

Even though solo travel is sometimes about getting away from others, don’t completely disappear. Tell someone you trust where you are going. Send them the address of the hotel, Airbnb, or hostel you are staying at. When you are in a rideshare car, text them a picture of the car and driver. Better yet, call them while you are in the car. 

If you are a man reading this list you may think some of these things sound a bit over the top. Unfortunately, if you are a woman reading this list you may already know all of these things. 

That is one of the areas where solo female travel differs. While it is not unsafe, as a woman you do need to take extra precautions. However, many of the safety precautions you would take traveling solo as a woman are the same things you already do as a woman out at night alone. 

How Do You Plan Your First Trip?

Once you realize that you CAN travel solo! Moreover, that it is totally normal and acceptable - now it is time to plan your first trip! 

Where do you want to travel? 

The first decision is where do you want to go? If you have never traveled solo before, a great place to begin is somewhere that feels familiar. For example, a city or state that you have been to before with other people and want to explore on your own. 

Even though I have traveled solo quite a bit, this was how I chose Hawai’i for my solo trip at the beginning of 2022. I was planning to travel for at least a month (ended up being two months) and while I wanted to explore the other islands, I felt most comfortable going to O’ahu. 

So, I chose O’ahu! It was the best solo travel decision I have made (to date).

Even though I had lived on the island years ago and traveled there with friends over the years, this was the first time (in 20 years) that I started alone on the island.

Another idea is a city or town that you have always wanted to visit. Especially if this is a well-documented travel destination.

While I am a hundred percent about the unknown and unplanned adventures, having some context of a location prior to arrival is helpful. So, an introductory travel guide can be helpful. 

How Long do You want to travel? 

Solo travel is solo travel whether it is for a night or a month. I have had learning experiences from a one-night stay in my hometown of Salt Lake City, just as I have had them while living in Hawai’i for two months. 

How long you want to travel is truly up to you. What you desire and what time you have available. Travel isn’t just about long trips. If you can only get away for one night, do it! Take advantage of the night you have. 

I believe in making travel a more frequent part of our lives. Therefore, we need to find ways to make it accessible at all times. A night here and a week there. Maybe a month (or a year) later on. 

How do you want to travel? 

On a plane, on a train, in a car, on a boat. How you want to travel is just as much a part of the experience as the destination! 

I personally love a good solo road trip! I have even written a love note to the stretch of I-15 between Salt Lake City and California.

If you are in the United States, national parks are great solo road trips!

As much as I love a good road trip, the road won’t get us everywhere. Hawai'i, Europe, South America, New Zealand, Australia, South Africa. These are just some of the amazing places that you have to get on a plane to get to!

Sometimes flying is part of the adventure though!

Another option for solo travel is a cruise. Everything is paid for upfront. You know exactly where you are going; furthermore, you have access to a lot of opportunities to meet new people!  

Where do you want to stay?

Years ago the question of where to stay was simple - a hotel. However, that has changed with the growth of vacation rentals like Airbnb.

Hotels and Airbnbs are not the only options for solo travelers either. Hostels or community vacation retreats are also options. Not to mention, the variety of hotels! From luxury resorts and boutique hotels to boutique motels and standard hotels, there are choices for everyone! 

Where you stay will depend a lot on personal preference. Other factors may include cost, availability, and the destination. 

One of my favorite places to stay for weekend travel are boutique hotels. The charm and history of boutique hotels create an entire travel experience. Even if you are only a few miles from home. 

If you are planning to travel for an extended period of time consider a community retreat. There are hostels and also Airbnbs that offer wonderful spaces to meet other solo travelers. 

On the indulgent side, a luxury resort is also a great option for a solo vacation. Especially if your goal is a relax and retreat type of trip. 

Don’t discount the traditional hotels as well! Standards like Marriott and Hilton hotels s are great for weekend travel and budget-friendly trips.

These are also wonderful for providing a sense of familiarity if you are traveling to a new city.  I love a cozy Hampton Inn! 

How do you want to get around during your trip? 

Something that can be overlooked when planning a solo trip is how to get around once you arrive at your destination. If you are going on a road trip, then this is pretty much covered. If you are flying (or arriving by train) then you want to consider the best transportation options. 

Are you going to be in a walkable city? Big cities like San Franciso and New York City are great walkable cities (if you are staying right in the city). Downtown Salt Lake City and New Orleans are two other walkable ciites I love.

In walkable cities and towns, you may just need a Lyft or Uber to and from the airport. Some hotels also offer free airport shuttles. Once you are in the city you can walk and use public transportation. 

If you are staying outside a major city, you may not have easy access to rideshares. Therefore, a car rental may be the best option. The best thing is to do your research. Google the destination and see what others suggest for getting around. 

What are the Best Places to Travel Solo?

When it comes to choosing the best places to travel solo there are so many amazing choices! It is hard to list all of them at once because it is an ever-growing list.

There are three types of destinations that I personally think always offer a great solo travel experience. 

  • Beach Towns

  • Big Cities

  • Small Towns

Beach towns are great places for solo travel. They are usually in familiar areas and easy to access by driving or flying. Many beach towns provide a variety of places to stay. 

If you choose a resort you may not even need a car. You can simply stay at the resort the entire time. If you want to do more exploring, a charming Airbnb or hotel that is a little bit away from the beach and a car rental may be a better option. 

Big cities are great places to go on solo trips because everything is close together. In most major cities you can stay right in the middle of the city and walk everywhere. There are usually museums, shopping, theatres, and great restaurants and bars. All great solo travel activities. 

When choosing a big city do be mindful of where you stay. Any big city is going to have areas that are safer than others. When traveling solo it is often better to pay a little bit more to stay in an area that is considered safer. 

Small towns are fun destinations for solo weekend getaways. In small towns, you will often find historic boutique hotels that are full of stories. There are also usually adorable coffee shops, restaurants, and stores.  

Most small towns are easy to walk around and explore on foot. Keep in mind that to get to the town you will probably need to drive.

There may not be easy access to public transportation or rideshares. Consider visiting a small town on a road trip or renting a car from the airport. 

What are the Best Places to Travel Solo as a Woman?

The best places to travel solo as a woman are wherever you as a woman want to go! In addition to beaches, big cities, and small towns - the world is yours to explore! Just like any solo traveler. 

As a solo female traveler simply be mindful of where you are traveling. Research the destination as a whole. Research the hotel, hostel, or Airbnb you are going to stay in - including the surrounding area. Research the best ways to get around. 

Traveling solo as a woman simply means being a bit more mindful. With that in mind, the best places to travel to are the places you have always wanted to go but have been waiting for others to go with you. 

In addition to simply going alone, consider looking for a solo travel tour company. A group tour is a great choice for women who want to meet other solo traveling friends.

A small group tour is also a good choice for those who want to travel internationally. A big solo trip to Latin America, Southeast Asia, or the Middle East might feel more doable with a guide. Plus, you get to meet other solo female travelers!

In addition to group tours and retreats, you may also look at community places to stay. 

Where Do You Stay as a Solo Traveler?

Hostels are not just for young kids traveling alone. Many hostels offer solo rooms - perfect for those of us who don’t love the idea of bunk beds. Solo rooms in hostels are the best of both worlds: you can have your own private space, but still enjoy the community spaces to meet other people. 

In addition to hostels look for single rooms on Airbnb. There are several Airbnb hosts that are fellow solo travelers. Therefore, they love hosting a solo guest. 

Beyond just a single room you can also find some great community vacation rentals! My favorite solo trip was to a community camp in Hawaii. As with anything, do your research. Read the reviews of any vacation rental before booking. If it doesn’t have great reviews and a lot of them, you may want to keep on looking. 

Is it Weird to Travel Solo? 

No. That’s really the answer. Solo travel is not weird. Does everyone understand it? Also, no. 

There will be many people who do not understand why you want to travel alone. That’s okay! Solo travel is about YOU! It’s about what you need and want. If you have a desire to travel; moreover, a desire to travel solo then you deserve to explore that. 

While others may not have the same desire or completely understand it, you may be surprised at how many people support you in your adventures! If you don't have people who support you in your solo travel quests - you can bet you will meet new people who do when you take these trips. 

Is Solo Travel Lonely? 

Yes. Solo travel can be lonely. It can also surprise you how much you find you are not lonely. It may even surprise you that you needed to explore those feelings of loneliness. 

Every solo adventure you take will be different. Some will be lonelier than others. Some trips will begin extremely lonely and end with an entirely new community of like-minded travelers. 

A question I like to ask is - are you lonely not traveling solo? A lot of us are lonely at home. Feeling lonely is a natural part of life. Even when we have people around we can feel lonely. 

So, if you are scared of feeling lonely while traveling alone I say to lean into it. Know that you probably will feel a bit lonely at times. Know that in those moments you will probably learn a lot about yourself too. 

Are a few moments of loneliness worth NOT taking the trip? 

Mindy Madsen